Definition of Heatstroke


  • collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat
    - heat hyperpyrexia
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Heatstroke

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  • Word Chums® score of the heatstroke (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the heatstroke (16)

Unscramble heatstroke

698 unscramble word found using the letters heatstroke.

ae aero aeros aether aethers ah ahorse ahs ake akee akees akes ar are ares aret arete aretes arets arett aretts ark arkose arks arose ars arse art arts as ash ashet ashore ask asker aster astert asthore at ate ates atok atoke atokes atoks ats att ea ear ears earshot earst earth earths earthset eas ease easer east easter eat eater eaters eath eathe eats ee eek eh ehs eke ekes er era eras erase ere eres erk erks eros erose ers erst es eskar esker est estate ester estreat estro et eta etas etat etats eth ethe ether ethers ethos eths ha hae haeres haes haet haets hake hakes hao haos hare hares hark harks haro haros haroset hart harts has hask hast haste hat hate hater haters hates hats hatter hatters he hear heare heares hears hearse heart hearts heast heaste heat heater heaters heats heatstroke hektare hektares her here hereat heres hereto hero heroe heroes heros hers herse hes hest het hete hetero heteros hetes hets ho hoa hoar hoars hoarse hoas hoast hoe hoer hoers hoes hoka hokas hoke hokes hora horas hore hork horks hors horse horst horste hos hose hoser host hosta hot