Definition of Hebdomadal


  • of or occurring every seven days
    "a weekly visit"
    "weekly paper"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hebdomadal

  • Scrabble® score of the hebdomadal (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the hebdomadal (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hebdomadal (21)

Unscramble hebdomadal

324 unscramble word found using the letters hebdomadal.

aa aah aahed aal ab aba abeam abed able abled abmho abo abode aboded abohm aboma ad add addable addle ado adobe ae ah aha ahead ahed ahem ahold al ala alae alamo alamode alb alba albe albedo aldea ale alma almah alme almeh alod aloe aloed aloha am ama amah amble ambled ambo ame ameba amla amoeba amole ba baa baaed baal bad bade bael bah bal bald balded baldhead bale baled balm balmed bam be bead beal beam bed bedad bedlam behold bel belah beldam bema bemad bhel blad blade bladed blae blah blahed blam blame blamed bled bo boa bod boddle bode boded bodle boh bohea bola bold bolded bole boma da daal dab dad dada dadah dado dae daedal dah dahl dal dale daled daledh dam dame de dead deal deb dedal del delo demo demob dhal dhol dhole do doab doable dob dobe dobla dod doe doh dol dole doled dolma dom domal dome domed ea ed eddo edh eh el eld elm em emo ha hable had hadal hade haded hae haed haem haemal hale haled halm halma halo haloed ham hamal hamba hamble hambled hame hamed hao haole haoma he head heal heald