Definition of Hectically


  • in a frenzied manner
    "we rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hectically

  • Scrabble® score of the hectically (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the hectically (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hectically (22)

Unscramble hectically

329 unscramble word found using the letters hectically.

accite ace acetic acetyl acetylic ach ache achy act acyl ae ah ahi ai ail ait aitch al ale alec alethic alit all alley allice ally alt at ate atelic ay aye cache cachet cacti caille cal calcite caliche calicle call callet calycle cat catch catchily catchy cate cay ceca cecal cecally cecity ceil cel celiac cell cella celli celt cetyl ch cha chace chai chal chalet chalice challie chally chat chay che cheat chela chi chia chic chica chicle chicly chiel chile chill chilly chit chital chyle cicale cicely ciel cill cit cital cite city clach clat clatch clay cleat cliche clit cly cyathi cycle cyte ea each eat eath eathly ech echt eclat eh el elchi elhi ell elt eltchi et eta etch eth ethal ethic ethical ethically ethyl ethylic etic ha hae haet hail haily hale halite hall halt hat hate hay hayle he heal heat hectic hectical hectically hecticly heil heli heliac helical hell hellcat hellicat het hey hi hic hie hila hill hilly hilt hit hiya hyalite hye hyetal hyla hyle hylic hyte ice ich ictal icy ilea ileac ileal ill illth illy it ita itch itchy la lac lace lacet lacey lacily lactic lacy