Definition of Hematocolpos


  • accumulation of menstrual blood in the vagina (usually due to an imperforate hymen)
    - haematocolpos
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hematocolpos

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  • Word Chums® score of the hematocolpos (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hematocolpos (24)

Unscramble hematocolpos

1422 unscramble word found using the letters hematocolpos.

ace aces ach ache aches achoo achoos acme acmes act acts ae aesc ah ahem ahs al alco alcos ale alec alecost alecs aleph alephs ales alme almeh almehs almes almost alms aloe aloes aloo aloos alp alps als also alt altho alto altos alts am ame ames amole amoles amp ample amplest amps ape apes apo apos apostle apothem apothems apse apso apt apts as ascot ash ashet aslope asp aspect astoop at ate ates atmos atoc atocs atom atoms atop ats cahoot cahoots cal calm calmest calms calo calos calp calps cam came camel camelot camelots camels cameo cameos cames camlet camlets camo camos camote camotes camp campest camphol camphols cample camples campo campos camps campstool cams camsho cap cape capes caph caphs caple caples caplet caplets capo capos capot capote capotes capots caps case cash cashoo cast caste castle cat cate cates cathole catholes cats ceas cel celom celoms cels celt celts cep ceps cesta ch cha chal chalet chalets chalot chals cham chamelot chamelots chamlet chamlets champ champs chams chao chaos chap chape chapel chapels chapes chaplet chaplets chaps chapt chas chase chasm chaste chat chats che cheap cheapo cheapos cheaps cheat cheats chela chelas chelp