Definition of Hematocrit


  • a measuring instrument to determine (usually by centrifugation) the relative amounts of corpuscles and plasma in the blood
  • the ratio of the volume occupied by packed red blood cells to the volume of the whole blood as measured by a hematocrit
    - packed cell volume
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Unscramble hematocrit

685 unscramble word found using the letters hematocrit.

ace acer ach ache achier achiote acme acmite acre acro act actor ae aero ah ahem ahi ai aim aimer air airt airth ait aitch am ame ami amice amie amir amorce amoret amoretti amort amrit aortic ar arc arch archei archi arco are areic aret arett ariot arm armet art arti artic at ate atoc atom atomic atretic att attic attire cahier cam came cameo cami camo camote car care caret carom cart carte cat cate cater cattie cattier ceria cero cert ch cha chai chair cham chao char chare charet chariot charm chart chat chatter chatti chattier che cheat chem chemo cher chert chi chia chiao chimar chime chimer chimera chimo chirm chiro chirt chit chitter choir chore chorea choria chota chott chroma chromate chrome chromite ciao cimar cire cit citator cite citer cither cito citrate coat coate coater coati coheir coir coit coma comae comart comate come comer comet cometh comte cor coram core coremia coria corm cot cote coth cott cotta cottae cottar cotter cottier cram crame crate cream crem cria crim crime crit crith crome ea each ear earth eat eath ech echo echt eco eh em emic emir emit emo er era eriach eric