Definition of Hemimetabola


  • subclass of insects characterized by gradual and usually incomplete metamorphosis
    - exopterygota - subclass exopterygota
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hemimetabola

  • Scrabble® score of the hemimetabola (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the hemimetabola (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hemimetabola (24)

Unscramble hemimetabola

602 unscramble word found using the letters hemimetabola.

aa aah aal ab aba abate abeam abele abelia abet ablate able ablet abmho abo abohm aboil aboma ae ah aha ahem ahi ai aia ail aim ait al ala alae alamo alate alb alba albe albee albeit albite ale alee alit alma almah alme almeh aloe aloha alt althea altho alto am ama amabile amah amate amatol ambit amble ambo ame ameba amebae amelia ami amia amiable amie amla ammo ammolite amoeba amoebae amole at ate athame atma atom ba baa baal baalim bael bah baht bail bailee bait baith bal bale balm balti bam bat bate bath bathe be beal beam beamlet beat beath bee beet behote bel belah belate belie belt bema bemata bemoil bet beta bete betel beth bethel betime betoil bhai bhat bhel bi bile bima bimah bimetal bio biome biota bit bite bito blae blah blam blame blat blate bleat blee blet blit blite blithe bloat blot bo boa boat boatel boatie boehmite boet boh bohea bohemia boi boil boite bola bole bolete boleti bolt boma bommie bot bota bote botel both bothie ea eale eat eatable eath eathe ee eel eh el elate elemi elhi elite elm elt em email embail embale embalm