Definition of Hemimetamorphic


  • (of an insect with aquatic young) undergoing incomplete metamorphosis in which the young does not resemble the adult
    - hemimetamorphous
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hemimetamorphic

  • Scrabble® score of the hemimetamorphic (31)
  • Word Chums® score of the hemimetamorphic (41)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hemimetamorphic (34)

Unscramble hemimetamorphic

1351 unscramble word found using the letters hemimetamorphic.

ace acer ach ache achier achiote acme acmite acoemeti acre acro act actor ae aerie aero aether aetheric ah ahem ahh ahi ai aim aimer air airt airth airtime ait aitch am ame ameer amerce ametropic ami amice amici amie amir ammeter ammo ammocete amorce amoret amort amp ampere amphoric amphoteric amrit aortic ape aper apert apheretic aphetic aphotic apiece apio apo apomict aporetic aport apothece apothem apricot aprotic apt apter ar arc arch archei archi arco are areic aret arete ariot arm armet armpit art arti artic at ate atoc atom atomic atop atopic atrip atrophic cahier cam came cameo cami cammie camo camote camp camper camphire camphor campi campier campo camporee cap cape caper caph capi capo capot capote capri captor car care careme caret carhop carom carp carpet carpi cart carte cartop cat cate cater cee cemitare cep cepe cerate cere ceria ceriph cerite cermet cero cert certie cete ch cha chai chair cham champ champer champier chao chap chape chapiter chapt chapter char chare charet chariot charm charpie chart chat che cheap cheaper cheapie cheapo cheat cheater cheep cheer cheerio cheero cheetah chem chemo cher chere cherem chert chetah cheth chi chia chiao chimar chime chimer