Definition of Hemostatic


  • tending to check bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hemostatic

  • Scrabble® score of the hemostatic (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the hemostatic (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hemostatic (18)

Unscramble hemostatic

816 unscramble word found using the letters hemostatic.

ace aces ach ache aches achiest achiote achiotes acme acmes acmite acmites act acts ae aesc ah ahem ahi ahis ahs ai aim aims ais ait aitch aitches aits am ame ames ami amice amices amie amies amis amosite as asci ascot ash ashet at ate ates atheism atheist athetosic atmos atoc atocs atom atomic atomics atomies atomise atomist atoms ats att attic attics cam came cameo cameos cames cami camis camise camo camos camote camotes cams camsho case cash cast caste cat cate cates cats cattie catties cattish ceas cesta cesti cestoi ch cha chai chais chaise cham chamise chamiso chamois chams chao chaos chas chase chasm chaste chat chats chatti chatties chattis che cheat cheats chem chemist chemo chemos chemostat chems chest chi chia chiao chias chiasm chime chimes chimo chis chit chits chose chota chott chotts ciao ciaos cis cist cit cite cites cito cits coast coat coate coates coati coatis coats coit coits coma comae comas comate comates come comes comet cometh comets comites coms comsat comte comtes cos cose coset cosh cosie cosmea cost costa costae costate coste cot cote cotes coth coths cotise cots cott cotta cottae cottas cottise cotts ea each eas east