Definition of Heterokontae


  • all the yellow-green algae having flagella of unequal length
    - chrysophyceae - class chrysophyceae - class heterokontae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Heterokontae

  • Scrabble® score of the heterokontae (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the heterokontae (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the heterokontae (19)

Unscramble heterokontae

522 unscramble word found using the letters heterokontae.

ae aeon aero aerotone aether ah ahent ake akee akene an ane anker ankh another ant ante anther anthro antre ar are arene aret arete arett ark arnotto art at ate atok atoke atone atoner att attone attorn ea ean ear earn earth earthen eat eaten eater eath eathe ee eek een eh eke en enate ene enroot enter entera enterate entertake entertook entete entreat entree eoan eon eothen er era ere erk ern erne et eta etat eten eterne eth ethane ethe ethene ether ethernet ethne etna ha hae haen haet hake han hank hanker hant hao hare hark harken harn haro hart harten hat hate hater haterent hatter he hear heare hearken heart hearten heat heater hektare hen hent her here hereat hereon hereto hern hero heroe heron heroon het hete hetero heterokont ho hoa hoar hoe hoer hoka hoke hon hone honer honk honker honor honoree hoo hook hooka hooker hoon hoor hoot hooter hora hore hork horn hornet horoeka hot hote hoten hotter ka kae kane kaneh kant kaon karn karo karoo kart kat kea keen keener keeno keet ken keno kent kente kern kerne kero ket keta kete ketene keto ketone khan khat khet khor