Definition of Hildebrand


  • the Italian pope who fought to establish the supremacy of the pope over the Roman Catholic Church and the supremacy of the church over the state (1020-1085)
    - gregory - gregory vii
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hildebrand

  • Scrabble® score of the hildebrand (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the hildebrand (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hildebrand (19)

Unscramble hildebrand

589 unscramble word found using the letters hildebrand.

ab abed abend aber abid abidden abide abided abider able abled abler abri abrin ad add adder addible addle adred ae ah ahed ahi ahind ai aid aide aided aider ail ailed ain aine air aired airn airned al alb albe alder aldern aldrin ale alien aline alined aliner an and ane ani anil anile ar arb ard ardeb are ared aredd arid ariel aril ariled arle arled ba bad badder baddie bade bael bah bail bailed bailer bairn bal bald balded balder baldie baldier bale baled baler ban band banded bander bandh bandied bandier bane baned bani bar bard barde barded bardie bare bared barn barned be bead beal bean bear beard bed bedad bedrail bedral bedrid behind bein bel belah belar ben bend beni berlin bhai bhel bi bid bidden bidder bide bided bider bield bien bier bilander bile biled bin binal bind binder bindle bine biner bird birded birl birle birled blad bladder blade bladed blader bladier blae blaer blah blahed blaher blain bland blanded blander blare blared blear bled blend blin blind blinded blinder bra brad brae braid braide braided brail brailed brain brained bran brand branded brandied brane branle bread bred brei breid bren bridal