Definition of Himantopus


  • major one of two genera of stilts
    similar to avocets but with straight bills
    - genus himantopus
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Himantopus

  • Scrabble® score of the himantopus (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the himantopus (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the himantopus (20)

Unscramble himantopus

899 unscramble word found using the letters himantopus.

ah ahi ahint ahis ahs ai aim aims ain ains ais ait aits aitu aitus am ami amin amino aminos amins amis amnio amnios amount amounts amp amps amu amus an ani animus anis ans ant anti antis ants anu anus aphis apio apios apish apism apo apos apso apt apts as ash asp aspout astun at atmos atom atoms atop ats aunt aunts autism auto autos ha hain hains haint haints ham hamous hams han hansom hant hants hao haos hap haps hapu hapus has hasp hast hat hatpin hatpins hats haun hauns haunt haunts haut hi hiant hiatus him hims hin hinau hinaus hins hint hints hip hips hipt his hisn hist hit hitman hits hm ho hoa hoas hoast hoi hois hoist hoistman hom homa homas homs hon hons hop hops hos host hosta hot hots hout houts hui huia huias huis hum huma human humanist humans humas humint humints hump humps hums hun huns hunt hunts hup hupot hups huso hut hutia hutias huts imp impasto impost impot impots imps in inapt inhaust inmost input inputs ins into inust io ion ions ios iota iotas is ish ism isna iso it ita itas its ma mahout