Definition of Hoariness


  • great age (especially grey or white with age)
  • a silvery-white color
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hoariness

  • Scrabble® score of the hoariness (12)
  • Word Chums® score of the hoariness (13)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hoariness (12)

Unscramble hoariness

561 unscramble word found using the letters hoariness.

ae aeon aeons aero aeros aesir ah ahi ahis ahorse ahs ai ain aine ains air airn airns airs ais an ane anes ani anis anise anises anoesis ans ar are ares ariose aris arise arisen arises arish arishes arose ars arse arseno arses arshin arshine arshines arshins arsine arsines arsino arsis arson arsons as ash ashen ashes ashier ashine ashore ass ea ean eans ear earn earns ears eas eh ehs eina eish en enosis ens eoan eon eons eosin eosins er era eras erasion erasions ern erns eros ers es ess essoin ha hae haen haes hain hains hair hairs han hanse hanses hao haos hare hares harn harness harns haro haros has hass he hear hears heir heirs hen hens her herisson hern hernia hernias herns hero heroin heroins heron herons heros hers hes hessian hi hie hiera hieron hies hin hins hire hires his hisn hiss hisser ho hoa hoar hoariness hoars hoarse hoarsen hoarsens hoas hoe hoer hoers hoes hoi hois hoise hoises hon hone honer honers hones hons hora horas hore hori horis horn horns hors horse horses horsie horsies hos hose hosen hoser hosers hoses hosier hosiers hoss in inro ins inshore io