Definition of Holometabolous


  • (of an insect) undergoing complete metamorphosis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Holometabolous

  • Scrabble® score of the holometabolous (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the holometabolous (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the holometabolous (25)

Unscramble holometabolous

1321 unscramble word found using the letters holometabolous.

ab abet abets able ables ablest ablet ablets abloom ablush abmho abmhos abo abohm abohms abos about abouts abs absolute abuse abut abuts ae ah ahem ahs ahull al alb albe albs album albumose albums ale ales all allot allots alls alme almeh almehs almes almost almous alms aloe aloes aloo aloos als also alt altho alto altos alts alu alum alums alus am amble ambles ambo ambos ambush ame ames amole amoles amu amulet amulets amus amuse as ash ashet at ate ates atheous atmos atoll atolls atom atoms ats aue aulos auto autos autosome ba bael baels bah baht bahts bahu bahus bahut bahuts bal bale bales ball ballet ballets ballot ballots balls ballute ballutes balm balms baloo baloos bals balu balus bam bams bas base bash basho bast baste bastle basto bat bate bates bath bathe bathes bathos baths bats be beal beals beam beams beast beat beath beaths beats beau beaus beaut beauts bel belah belahs bell bells bels belt belts bema bemas bemaul bemauls bemouth bemouths bes besat beshout besmooth besmut besom besot best bet beta betas beth beths bets bhat bhel bhels bhoot bhoots bhut bhuts blae blaes blaest blah blahest blahs blam blame