Definition of Homothermic


  • of birds and mammals
    having constant and relatively high body temperature
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Homothermic

  • Scrabble® score of the homothermic (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the homothermic (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the homothermic (24)

Unscramble homothermic

370 unscramble word found using the letters homothermic.

cero cert ch che chem chemo cher cheroot chert cheth chi chime chimer chimo chirm chiro chirt chit choir chommie choom chore chrome chromite chromo cire cit cite citer cither cito coheir coho cohoe cohort coir coit come comer comet cometh comm commer commie commit commo commot commote comte coo cooer coom coomier coorie coot cooter cootie cor core corm cot cote coth crem crim crime crit crith crome ech echo echt eco eh em emic emir emit emo er eric erm erotic et etch eth ethic etic he hech hecht hector heh heir hem hemic her heriot herm hermit hero heroic het heth hi hic hie him hire hit hitch hitcher hithe hither hm hmm ho hoc hoe hoer hoh hoi hom home homeotic homer homeric homie homier homme homo homothermic hoo hooch hoochie hoor hoot hootch hooter hootier hore hori horme hormetic hormic hot hotch hote ice icer ich ichor io ire it itch item ither me meh meith mem memo memoir merc merch meri merit met meth metho metic metoo metric metro mho mi mic mice mich miche micher micht mico micro microhm micromho microtome mim mime mimeo mimer mir mire miro mirth mitch mite miter mither