Definition of Horsehair


  • a fabric made from fibers taken from the mane or tail of horses
    used for upholstery
  • hair taken from the mane or tail of a horse
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Horsehair

  • Scrabble® score of the horsehair (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the horsehair (15)
  • Words With Friends® score of the horsehair (13)

Unscramble horsehair

256 unscramble word found using the letters horsehair.

ae aero aeros aesir ah ahh ahhs ahi ahis ahorse ahs ai air airer airers airs ais ar are ares ariose aris arise arish arose arris arrish ars arse arsier as ash ashier ashore ea ear ears eas eh ehs eish er era eras eros err errs ers es ha hae haes hah hahs hair hairs hao haos hare hares harish haro haros harries harsh harsher has hash hashier he hear hears heh hehs heir heirs her hero heros hers hes hi hie hiera hies hire hirer hirers hires his hish ho hoa hoar hoarier hoars hoarse hoarser hoas hoe hoer hoers hoes hoh hoha hohs hoi hois hoise hora horah horahs horas hore hori horis hors horse horsehair horsie horsier hos hose hoser hosier io ios ire ires is ish iso oar oarier oars oe oes oh ohia ohias ohs oi ois or ora ore ores orisha orra orris ors os osar ose osier rah rahs rai rais raise raiser rare rares ras rase raser rash rasher rashie re rear rears reh rehash rehs rei reis reo reos res resh rhea rheas rhies rho rhos ria rias rise riser roar roarie roars roe roes rore rores rorie rose roshi