Definition of Hospitableness


  • having a disposition that welcomes guests and is fond of entertaining
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hospitableness

  • Scrabble® score of the hospitableness (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the hospitableness (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hospitableness (24)

Unscramble hospitableness

3455 unscramble word found using the letters hospitableness.

ab abele abeles abet abets abies abioses able ableist ableists ables ablest ablet ablets ablins abo aboil abolish abolishes abos abs abseil abseils absent absents absinth absinthe absinthes absinths absit absits ae aeon aeons aesthesis ah ahent ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ail ails ain aine ainee ains ais aisle aisles ait aits al alb albe albee albeit albespine albespines albiness albinesses albino albinos albite albites albs ale alee aleph alephs alepine alepines ales alien aliens aline alines alison alisons alist alit aloe aloes aloin aloins alone alp alpeen alpeens alphoses alphosis alphosises alpine alpines alps als also alt altesse altesses altho alto altos alts an ane anele aneles anes anethol anethole anetholes anethols ani anil anile anils anis anise anises anisole anisoles anoeses anoesis anole anoles anopheles ans ant ante antelope antelopes antes antheses anthesis anti antiboss antipole antipoles antis antisepses antisleep ants ape apes apeshit aphelion aphelions apheses aphesis aphetise aphetises aphis aphonies apio apiol apiols apios apish apishness aplite aplites apo apos apostil apostils apostle apostles apse apses apsis apso apsos apt aptness aptnesses apts as asbestine asbestos asepses asepsis ash ashen ashes ashet ashets ashiest ashine ashiness ashless asleep aslope aslosh asp aspen aspens aspine aspines