Definition of Hyperboloidal


  • having the shape of a hyperboloid
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hyperboloidal

  • Scrabble® score of the hyperboloidal (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the hyperboloidal (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hyperboloidal (26)

Unscramble hyperboloidal

1453 unscramble word found using the letters hyperboloidal.

ab abed aber abhor abid abide abider able abled abler ably abo abode aboil abord abore abri aby abye ad ado adobe adobo adore adry ae aerily aero aery ah ahed ahi ahold ahoy ai aid aide aider aiery ail ailed air aired airhole airy al alb albe albedo alder aldol ale aleph alible aliped all alley allied allod alloy alloyed ally alod aloe aloed aloo alp alphyl ape aped apehood aper apery aphid apio apiol apo apod apode apollo ar arb ard ardeb are ared arid aridly ariel aril ariled arillode arle arled aroid ary aryl ay aye ayelp ayre ayrie ba bad bade badly bael bah bail bailed bailer bailey bailor bal bald balder baldie baldier baldly baldy bale baled baler ball balled baller bally ballyhoo ballyhooed baloo bap bar bard barde bardie bardo bardy bare bared barely barhop barley barolo barophile barp barye bay baye bayed bayle be bead beadily beadroll beady beal bear beard beardy bed bedrail bedral bedroll bedrop behold bel belady belah belar belay bell bellhop belly beray beryl beryllia bey bhai bhel bi bialy bid bide bider bield bieldy bier bilayer bile biled bill billed biller billhead billy billyo billyoh bio biophor biophore