Definition of Hyperemic


  • relating to or caused by hyperemia
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hyperemic

  • Scrabble® score of the hyperemic (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the hyperemic (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hyperemic (22)

Unscramble hyperemic

209 unscramble word found using the letters hyperemic.

cee cep cepe cere ceriph ch che cheep cheer cheery chem cher chere cherem chi chime chimer chimere chimp chip chirm chirp chirpy chyme chypre cipher cire cree creep creepy crem creme crepe crepey crepy crim crime crimp crimpy crip cripe cry cyme cypher ech eche ee eech eery eh em eme emery emic emir empery empire epic epimer er ere eremic eric erm eye eyer eyre eyrie he heir hem heme hemic hemp hempie hempier hempy hep her here herem herm hery herye hey hi hic hie him hip hire hiree hm hye hyp hype hyper hyperemic ice icer ich icy imp imphee ire me mee meer meh merc merch mercy mere meri mi mic mice mich miche micher mir mire miry my myc pe pec pech pee peer peery peh per perc perce perch pere peri perm permie ph pheer phi pi pic pice pie piece piecer pier pierce pir pre pree prem premie premy prey price pricey pricy prim prime primy pry pye pyemic pyic pyre pyric re rec rechie rechip recipe ree reech reechy reh rehem rei rem rep rheme rhime rhy rhyme rice ricey rich ricy riem rim rime rimy rip ripe rye rype ye