Definition of Hypopigmentation


  • unusual lack of skin color
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hypopigmentation

  • Scrabble® score of the hypopigmentation (29)
  • Word Chums® score of the hypopigmentation (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hypopigmentation (33)

Unscramble hypopigmentation

1705 unscramble word found using the letters hypopigmentation.

ae aeon ag age agen agent agin agio agitpop agnomen ago agon agone agony ah ahem ahent ahi ahing ahint ahoy ai aight aim aiming ain aine ait am ame amen amening amenity ament ami amie amigo amin amine aminity amino amity amnio amnion amniote among amotion amp amping an ane anent ani anigh anight anime animi anion ann anno annoy anoint anomie anomy anon anonym ant ante anteing anthem antheming anthemion anti antient antigen antimen antimine antimonite antimony anting antinome antinomy antiphon antiphony antipope antipot antitype antonym any anyon anyone anything anytime ape aphony aping apio apo apoop apophony apophyge apothegm apothem app appetition appoint appointing appointment apt apting aptote at ate atigi atimy atom atomy atone atoning atony atop atopy att attone attoning ay aye ayin ayont ea ean eaning eat eath eating egma ego egoity egyptian eh ehing eight eighty eina em emit emitting emo emong emoting emotion empathy empight empt empting emption empty emptying en enation eng enigma enmity ennog enomoty entaming entia entity entomophagy eoan eon eonian epha epigon epigoni epinaoi epiphany epitaph epitaphing eponym epopt et eta etamin etat eth ethion ethnonym etna ettin etyma etymon eying eyot gae gaen gahnite gaiety gain gait