Definition of Hyracotherium


  • extinct horse genus
    formerly called eohippus
    - genus hyracotherium
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hyracotherium

  • Scrabble® score of the hyracotherium (26)
  • Word Chums® score of the hyracotherium (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hyracotherium (26)

Unscramble hyracotherium

1258 unscramble word found using the letters hyracotherium.

ace acer acetum ach ache achier achiote achy acme acmite acre acro acroter acroterium act actor acture acuity acute acuter ae aecium aero aery ah ahem ahh ahi ahoy ai aiery aim aimer air airer airt airth airy ait aitch aitu am ame ami amice amie amir amity amorce amoret amort amour amrit amu aortic ar arc arch archei archer archery archi arco are areic aret arhythmic ariot arm armer armet armoire armor armory armour armoury armure army arrect arret arrhythmic art artery arti artic artier arty aruhe arum ary arythmic at ate atimy atoc atom atomic atomy atrium aue aurei aureity auric author auto autocrime ay aye ayre ayrie ayu cahier cam came cameo cami camo camote car care carer caret carom carr carrom carrot carroty carry carryout cart carte carter cat cate cater caum cauri cauter cautery cay ceria cerium cero cert certy ch cha chai chair cham chao char chare charet charier chariot charity charm charmer charr charro charry chart charter chary chat chaumer chay chayote che cheat chem chemo cher cherimoya cherry chert cherty chetah cheth chetrum chi chia chiao chimar chime chimer chimera chimo chirm chiro chirr chirre chirt chiru chit choir chore chorea choria