Definition of Insobriety


  • a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble insobriety

667 unscramble word found using the letters insobriety.

be bein beins ben beni benis bens bent bento bentos bents benty bes besit besoin besort besot best besti bestir bet beton betons betony bets bey beys bi bien bier biers bin bine biner biners bines binit binits bins bint bints bio biont bionts bios biotin biotins biro biros birse birsy bis bise bison bist bister bistre bistro bit bite biter biters bites bito bitos bits bitser bitsier bitsy bo boet boets boi bois boite boites bon bone boner boners bones boney bonie bonier boniest bonist bony bor bore bores born borne bornite bornites bors bort borts borty bos bosie bot bote botes bots boy boys boysier brei breis breist bren brens brent brents breton bretons brey breys brie bries brin brine brines brinies briniest brins briny brio brionies briony brios bris brise brit brits bro bros brose brosy bryonies by bye byes byre byres byrnie byrnies bys byte bytes ebon ebonist ebons ebony ebriosity en ens entry ents eon eons eosin er ern erns eros ers erst es est estrin estro et eyot eyots iberis ibis in inby inbye inert inerts inorb inorbs inosite inro ins insert inset insobriety inter inters inti intire intis into intro intros io ion