Definition of Instigative


  • arousing to action or rebellion
    - incitive - rabble rousing
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Instigative

  • Scrabble® score of the instigative (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the instigative (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the instigative (18)

Unscramble instigative

521 unscramble word found using the letters instigative.

ae aegis ag age ageist agen agent agents ages agin agist agnise ags ai ain aine ains ais ait aits an ane anes angst ani anis anise ans ant ante antes anti antis ants as at ate ates atigi atigis ats att ave avens aves avine avise avising ea ean eans eas easing east easting eat eating eatings eats egis eina en eng engs ens entia ents es est estating estivating et eta etas etat etats etna etnas ettin ettins evitating eviting gae gaen gaes gain gainest gains gainst gait gaits gaitt gaitts gan gane ganev ganevs gans gant gants gas gast gat gate gates gats gave gean geans geat geats geist geit geits gen gena genas genii genista gens gent gents gest gestant get geta getas gets gi giant giants gie gien gies gin gins gis gist git gite gites gits gittin give given givens gives gnat gnats ignite ignites in ing ingate ingates ingest ingesta ings inia initiate initiates ins inset instate instigate instigative inti intis invest invite invites is isatin isatine isit isna isnae it ita itas its ivies na nae naes naevi nag nags naive naives naivest naivist nas nat nates natis native natives nativist nativities