Definition of Involucrate


  • having an involucre
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Involucrate

  • Scrabble® score of the involucrate (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the involucrate (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the involucrate (21)

Unscramble involucrate

1518 unscramble word found using the letters involucrate.

ace acer acervuli acetin acne aconite acorn acre acro acrolein acron act actin action actioner active acton actor acture aculei acute acuter ae aeon aeonic aero ai ail aileron ain aine air aircon airn airt ait aitu aiver al alco alcove ale alec alerion alert aleuron aleuronic alevin alien alienor aline aliner alit alive alnico aloe aloetic aloin alone alt alter altern alto alu alunite alure alvine an ance ancile ancle ane anetic ani anicut anil anile anoetic anole anoretic ant ante anti antic antiulcer antler antre anu anuretic anuric anvil aortic ar arc arco are areic aret ariel aril ariot arle arnut aroint art artel arti artic article arvicole arvo at ate atelic atoc atone atoner atonic auction aue aulic auloi aune aunt aunter auntie auntlier aurei auric auricle auto autocrine ave avel avenir aver avert avine avion avirulent avo avocet avoure cain cairn cal caliver calo calorie calutron calve calver can cane caner canier canoe canoer cant canter cantier cantle canto cantor car care caret cariole carl carle carlin carline carlot carn carnet carnie carol caroli caron carotin cart carte cartel carton carve carvel carven cat cate cater cation catlin caul cauline cauri cautel cauter caution cautioner cave