Definition of Irreproducibility


  • the quality of being unreproducible
    "he could not explain the irreproducibility of the results of his experiment"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Words With Friends® score of the irreproducibility (31)

Unscramble irreproducibility

1861 unscramble word found using the letters irreproducibility.

be becloud becurl bed bedirty bedrop bedropt bedu bel belt bepity berry beryl bet betid betoil betrod bey beylic bi bice bicep bid bide bider bidet bidi bield bieldy bier bile biled bio biocide biolytic biopic bioptic biotic biotype biotypic biped bipod bird birder birdie birl birle birled birler biro birr birred bit bite biter bito bitou biuret bled blert blet bley blip blit blite bloc blore blot blude bludie bludier bludy blue blued bluer bluet bluey bluid bluidier bluidy bluier blur blurred blurrier blurry blurt blurted blurter blype bo bod bode bodice bodily bodle body boep boet boi boil boiled boiler boilery boite bold bolder bole boleti bolide bolt bolted bolter bop bor bord borde bordel border bordure bore bored borel borer boric boride borrel bort bortier borty bot bote botel boucle boulder bouldery boule boult boulted boulter bourd bourder bourride bout boy boyed bred brei breid brer brey bricole bricoleur bride bridie bridle bridler brie brier briery brio brit bro brod broider broidery broil broiled broiler brr brrr bru brucite bruit bruited bruiter brule brulot brulyie brut brute bruted brutely bruter bud budi budo build builder built buirdlier buirdly buoy buoyed bur burd burdie buret buried burier buriti