Definition of Isothiocyanate


  • a family of compounds derived from horseradish and radishes and onions and mustards
    source of the hotness of those plants and preparations
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Word games points for the Isothiocyanate

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  • Word Chums® score of the isothiocyanate (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the isothiocyanate (22)

Unscramble isothiocyanate

1594 unscramble word found using the letters isothiocyanate.

aa aah aahs aas acai acais acanth acanthi acanths acates ace aces aceta acetin acetins ach achates ache achenia aches achiest achiote achiotes achoo achoos achy acini acinose acne acnes aconite aconites act acta actant actants actin actinia actiniae actinias actins action actionist actions acton actons acts ae aecia aeon aeonic aeons aesc aetatis ah aha ahent ahi ahint ahis ahoy ahs ai aia aias ain aina ainas aine ains ais ait aitch aitches aits an ana anas anatto anattos ance ancho anchos ane aneath anes anetic ani anis anise anisic anoa anoas anoetic ans ansa ansae ansate ant anta antae antas ante antes anti antic anticise anticity antics antis ants antsy any as ascent asci ascian ascon ascot asea aseity ash ashcan ashen ashet ashine ashy asinico astatic astatine asthenia asthenic astheny astone astony at ate ates atheist atheistic athetosic atishoo atoc atocia atocias atocs atone atones atonia atonias atonic atonicity atonics atonies atony ats att attach attache attaches attain attains attic atticise attics attonce attone attones ay ayah ayahs aye ayes ayin ayins ayont ays caa caas cahoot cahoots cain cains can cane caneh canehs canes caniest canities canoe canoeist canoes cans canso canst cant cantate cantates cantest