Definition of Kingston


  • capital and largest city of Jamaica
    - capital of jamaica - jamaican capital
  • a town in southeast Ontario on Lake Ontario near the head of the Saint Lawrence River
  • a town on the Hudson River in New York
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Kingston

  • Scrabble® score of the kingston (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the kingston (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the kingston (16)

Unscramble kingston

163 unscramble word found using the letters kingston.

gi gin gink ginks ginn gins gio gios gis gist git gits go gon gonk gonks gons gos got ikon ikons in ing ingo ingot ingots ings ink inks inn inns ins into io ion ions ios is iso it its ki kin king kings kino kinos kins kis kist kit kits knit knits knot knots ko koi kois kon kons kos nis nit niton nitons nits nkosi no nog nogs noint noints non nong nongs noni nonis nos nosing not noting oi oik oiks oink oinks oint oints ois on ons onst os si sig sign sik sin sing sink sit ski skin skint skio skit skog snig snit snog snoking snot so sog son song sot st sting stingo stink stinko stoking stong stoning stonk stonking stonn ti tig tignon tignons tigon tigons tigs tik tiks tin ting tings tink tinks tins tis to tog togs toing toings toking ton tong tongs toning tonings tonk tonking tonks tons tosing tsk tsking