Definition of Labiodental


  • a consonant whose articulation involves the lips and teeth
    - labiodental consonant
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Labiodental

  • Scrabble® score of the labiodental (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the labiodental (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the labiodental (18)

Unscramble labiodental

760 unscramble word found using the letters labiodental.

aa aal ab aba abalone aband abate abated abed abelia abelian abend abet abid abide ablate ablated ablation able abled ablet abo abode aboil abolla abollae ad adbot adit adnate ado adobe ae aeolian aeon ai aia aid aida aidant aide ail ailanto ailed ain aina aine ait al ala alae alan aland alane alant alate alated alation alb alba albe albedo albeit albinal albino albite aldea aldol ale alible alien aline alined alit all allanite allantoid allied allod allodia allot alod alodia alodial aloe aloed aloin alone alt alto an ana anabolite anal and ane anelli ani anil anile anoa anodal anode anole ant anta antae ante anted anti antlia antliae at ate atoll atonable atonal atone atoned atonia ba baa baaed baal bad bade bael bail bailed bait baited bal baladin baladine bald baldie bale baled ball ballad ballade balladin balladine ballan ballant ballanted ballat ballated balled ballet ballon ballonet ballot balloted balneal balti ban banal band banda bandit bandito bane baned bani bania bant banted bat bate bated baton batoned be bead beal bean beano beat bed bein bel bell belon belt ben bend beni bent bento bet beta betid betoil beton bi bid bide bident bidental