Definition of Leafhopper


  • small leaping insect that sucks the juices of plants
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Leafhopper

  • Scrabble® score of the leafhopper (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the leafhopper (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the leafhopper (22)

Unscramble leafhopper

310 unscramble word found using the letters leafhopper.

ae aero afore afro ah al ale alee alef aleph alf aloe alp ape aper apo app appel apple appro ar are areole arf arle ea eale ear earhole earl ee eel ef eh el elf elope eloper eorl epha ephor ephoral er era ere erf fa fae fah fahlore fap far fare farl farle faro fe feal fear feare fee feel feer feh fer feral fere flap flapper flare flea fleahopper flee fleer floe flop flopper flor flora florae foal foe foh fop for fora fore forel fra frae frap frape frappe frappee free fro froe ha hae hale haler half halo hao haole hap hare harl haro harp he heal healer heap heaper hear heare heel hele helo help helper hep hepar hepper her here hereof herl hero heroe ho hoa hoar hoe hoer hole holp hop hope hoper hopper hopple hoppler hora horal hore la laer lah lap lapper lar lare laree lea leaf leafhopper leap leaper lear leare lee leear leep leer lehr lep leper lepra lere lerp lo loaf loafer lop lope loper lopper lor lore oaf oar oe of oh ole olea olpae olpe op opah opal ope opepe opera or ora oral ore