Definition of Leatherneck


  • a member of the United States Marine Corps
    - devil dog - shipboard soldier
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Leatherneck

  • Scrabble® score of the leatherneck (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the leatherneck (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the leatherneck (22)

Unscramble leatherneck

627 unscramble word found using the letters leatherneck.

ace acer ach ache achene ackee acker acne acre act ae aether ah ahent ake akee akene al ale alec aleck alee alerce alert alkene alt alter altern alterne an ance ancle ane anele anker ankh ankle anklet ant ante anther antler antre ar arc arch archlet are arene aret arete ark arle art artel at ate cake cal calk calker can cane caneh caner canker cankle cant canter cantle car care careen caret cark carl carle carn carnet cart carte cartel cat cate cater cee cel celt cent cental centare center centra central centre cerate cere cereal cerne cert cetane cete ch cha chal chalet chalk chank chant chanter char chare charet chark charnel chart chat che cheat cheater cheek cheer cheka chela chelae chelate chenar chenet cher chere chert clan clank claret clart clat clean cleaner clear cleat cleek clerk crake cran crane crank crankle crate creak creant create cree creek creel crena crenate crenel crenelate ctene ea each eale ean ear earl earn earth earthen eat eatche eaten eater eath eathe ecarte ech eche echt eclat ee eech eek eel een eh eke el elan elance elanet elate elater elchee elect elench elk elt en enact enarch