Definition of Lecythidaceae


  • large tropical trees bearing large fruits with woody skins
    - family lecythidaceae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Lecythidaceae

  • Scrabble® score of the lecythidaceae (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the lecythidaceae (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the lecythidaceae (25)

Unscramble lecythidaceae

669 unscramble word found using the letters lecythidaceae.

aa aah aahed aal acai acca accede accite accited ace aced acedia aceta acetal acetic acetyl acetylic acetylide ach ache ached achy acid acidly acidy act acta acted acyl acylate acylated ad adit adyta ae aecia aecial aedile ah aha ahead ahed ahi ai aia aid aida aide ail ailed ait aitch aiyee al ala alae alate alated alay alayed alcade alcaic alcaide alcayde alcid aldea ale alec alee alethic aleye aleyed alit aliya aliyah alt althea at ate atelic ay ayah aye caa caaed caca cache cached cachet cacheted cacti cad cade cadee cadet cadi cadie caeca caecal caid cal calathi calceate calceated calced calcite caleche caliche calid caltha calycate cat catch catched catchily catchy cate cathead cay ceca cecal cecity cede cedi cee ceil ceiled cel celiac celt cete cetyl ch cha chace chaced chad chaeta chaetae chaetal chai chal chalcid chalet chalice chaliced chat chay chaya che cheat cheated chedite chela chelae chelate chelated chi chia chic chica chicle chicly chid chide chiel chield child childe chile chit chital chylde chyle cicada cicadae cicala cicale cicely cid cide ciel cieled cit citadel cital cite cited city clach clached clad clade clat clatch clatched clay clayed cleat cleated