Definition of Leptodactylidae


  • New World frogs
    in some classifications essentially coextensive with the family Bufonidae
    - family leptodactylidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Leptodactylidae

  • Scrabble® score of the leptodactylidae (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the leptodactylidae (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the leptodactylidae (27)

Unscramble leptodactylidae

1476 unscramble word found using the letters leptodactylidae.

aa aal acai ace aced acedia aceta acetal acetate acetated acetyl acetylate acetylated acetylide acid acidly acidy acold acolyte act acta acted acyl acylate acylated ad adapt adapted add addict addio addle addy adept adeptly adipocyte adit ado adopt adopted adoptee adyta ae aecia aecial aedile aeolipyle ai aia aid aida aide aided ail ailed ailette ait aiyee al ala alae alap alate alated alay alayed alcade alcaide alcalde alcayde alcid alco aldea aldol ale alec alee aleye aleyed alidad alidade aliped alit aliya aliyot all allay allayed allee alley alleycat alleyed allice allied allocate allocated allod allodia allot allotted allottee allotype allotypic alloy alloyed ally alod alodia alodial aloe aloed aloetic alopecia alp alt alto apace apaid apatetic apatite apay apayd ape aped apetaly apical apically apiece apio apiol aplite apo apod apodal apode apt apted aptly aptote aptotic at atap ate atelic atilt atlatl atoc atocia atoll atop atopic atopy att attap attic atypic atypical ay aye ayelp caa caaed cad caddie caddy cade cadee cadelle cadet cadi cadie caid caille cal calid calipee call calla called callee callet callid calliope callipee callop calo calotte calotype calp calpa cap capa cape caped capelet capellet capi capita capital capitally