Definition of Livingston


  • American Revolutionary leader who served in the Continental Congress and as minister to France (1746-1813)
    - robert r. livingston
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Livingston

  • Scrabble® score of the livingston (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the livingston (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the livingston (19)

Unscramble livingston

263 unscramble word found using the letters livingston.

gi gilt gilts gin ginn gins gio gios gis gist git gits glint glints glit glits glost go gon gons gos got gov govs in ing ingo ingot ingots ings inion inions inn innit inns ins instil inti intil intis into io ion ions ios is isit isling iso it its li lig lignin lignins ligs lin ling lingo lingot lingots lings linin lining linings linins linn linns lino linos lins lint linting lints lion lions lis list listing lit liting lits living livings lo log login logins logs loin loins long longs los losing lost lot loti lots loving lovings nil nils nis nisi nit nitinol nitinols niton nitons nits no nog nogs noil noils noint noints noising non nong nongs noni nonis nos nosing not noting oi oil oiling oils oint ointing oints ois oligist on ons onst os ovist si sig sigil sigloi sign siling silo siloing silt silting sin sing sining sit siting sling slit sliving slog slot snig snit snog snot so sog soil soiling sol soli soling solving son song sot sov st stiling sting stingo stiving stoln stong stoning stonn stoving ti tig tiglon tiglons tignon tignons tigon tigons tigs til tiling tilings