Definition of Lubavitcher


  • a member of the Lubavitch movement
    a follower of Chabad Hasidism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Lubavitcher

  • Scrabble® score of the lubavitcher (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the lubavitcher (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the lubavitcher (25)

Unscramble lubavitcher

943 unscramble word found using the letters lubavitcher.

ab aber abet abitur able abler ablet abri abulic abut ace acer acerb acervuli ach ache achier acre act active acture aculei acute acuter ae ah ahi ai ail air airt airth ait aitch aitu aiver al alb albe albeit albert albite ale alec alert alethic alit alive alt alter alu alure ar arb arbute arc arch archei archi archil archive archlet archlute are areic aret ariel aril arle art artel arti artic article aruhe at ate atelic aue aulic aurei auric auricle ave avel aver avert ba bac bach baculite bael bah baht bahu bahut bail bailer bait baiter baith bal bale baler balti baltic balu bar bare baric barite bat batch batcher bate bath bathe bather batler bauchle baur be beach beal bear beat beath beau beaut becurl bel belah belar belch belt berth bertha bet beta betcha beth bhai bhat bhel bhut bi biach biatch bice bier bile birch birl birle birth bit bitch bite biter biuret blae blaer blah blaher blare blart blat blate blater blather bleach blear bleat blech blert blet blit blite blithe blither blive blivet blucher blue bluer bluet bluier blur blurt bra brace brach brachet bract brae brail brat brave bravi breach