Definition of Lycopodiate


  • club mosses and related forms: includes Lycopodiales
    and extinct Lepidodendrales
    sometimes considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta
    - lycopsida - class lycopsida - class lycopodiate
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Lycopodiate

  • Scrabble® score of the lycopodiate (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the lycopodiate (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the lycopodiate (21)

Unscramble lycopodiate

839 unscramble word found using the letters lycopodiate.

ace aced acetyl acid acidly acidy acold acolyte act acted acyl ad adept adeptly adipocyte adit ado adopt ae ai aid aide ail ailed ait al alcid alco ale alec aliped alit aliyot alod aloe aloed aloetic aloo alopecoid alp alt alto ape aped apio apiol aplite apo apod apode apt apted aptly at ate atelic atoc atop atopic atopy atypic ay aye ayelp cad cade cadet cadi cadie caid cal calid calo calotype calp cap cape caped capi capitol caple caplet capo capot capote cat cate cay cedi ceil cel celt cep cetyl ciao cid cide ciel cit citadel cital cite cited cito citola citole city clad clade clap clapt clat clay clayed cleat clept clied clip clipe cliped clipt clit clod clodpate cloop cloot clootie clop clot clote cloy cloye cloyed cly clype clyped clypei coady coal coaled coalpit coaly coapt coapted coat coate coated coati cod coda code codeia coed coedit coil coiled coit coital col cola cold coldie cole colead coled coley colpoda colt colted coly coo cooed cooey cool cooled coolie cooly coop cooped coopt coopted coot cootie cop copal copay cope coped copied copilot copiloted copita coplot copy copyedit cot cote coted cotidal cotylae