Definition of Malediction


  • the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult)
    "he suffered the imprecations of the mob"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Word Chums® score of the malediction (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the malediction (20)

Unscramble malediction

1150 unscramble word found using the letters malediction.

ace aced acetin acid acini acme acmite acne acned acnode acold aconite act acted actin actinide actinoid action actioned acton ad adit admen admin adminicle admit ado ae aeon aeonic ai aid aide aidmen aidoi ail ailed ailment aim aimed ain aine aioli ait al alcid alcidine alco ale alec alien aliment alimonied aline alined alit alme almond almondite alnico alod aloe aloed aloetic aloin alone alt alto am ame amen amend ament ami amice amici amid amide amidic amidin amidine amido amidol amidone amie amin amine aminic amino amnic amnio amniote amniotic amole an ance ancile ancle ancome and ane anemic anetic ani anil anile anime animi anode anodic anoetic anole anomic anomie ant ante anted anti antic anticold at ate atelic atoc atom atomic atone atoned atonic cad cade cadent cadet cadi cadie caid cain cal calid calm calmed calo cam came camel camelid cameloid camelot cameo cami camion camlet camo camote can candie candle cane caned canid canoe canoed cant canted cantle cantled canto cat cate catenoid cation catlin cedi ceil ceili cel celadon celom celt cent centai cental centimo cento ciao cid cide ciel cilia ciliate ciliated cimelia cimolite cine cinema cineol cion cit citadel cital