Definition of Marrowbone


  • a bone containing edible marrow
    used especially in flavoring soup
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Marrowbone

  • Scrabble® score of the marrowbone (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the marrowbone (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the marrowbone (20)

Unscramble marrowbone

352 unscramble word found using the letters marrowbone.

ab aber abo aboon abore aborne ae aeon aero am amber ambo ame amen an ane anew anow ar arb arbor are arew arm armer armor arow arrow aw awe awn awner ba bam ban bane bar bare barer barm barmen barn baron barre barren barro barroom barrow bawn bawr be beam bean beano bear bema bemoan ben berm beworm bo boa boar boma bon bona bone boner boo boom boomer boon booner boor bor bora borane bore borer borm born borna borne boron borrow bow bower bowman bowmen bowne bowr bra brae brame bran brane braw brawer brawn bream bren brer brew bro brome bromo broo broom brow brown browner brr ea ean ear earn earworm ebon em embar embow embrown emo en enamor enarm enorm enow enwomb eoan eon er era erm ern err ma mabe mae man mane mano manor mar mare marero maron maroon marooner maror marron marrow marrowbone maw mawn mawr me mean men meno meow mew mna mo moa moan moaner mob mobe moe moer mon mona moner monera mono moo moon mooner moor mor mora morae more morn morne moron morra morro morrow mow mowa mower mown mowra na nab nabe nae nam