Definition of Megasporophyll


  • in non-flowering plants, a sporophyll that bears only megasporangia
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Word games points for the Megasporophyll

  • Scrabble® score of the megasporophyll (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the megasporophyll (33)
  • Words With Friends® score of the megasporophyll (31)

Unscramble megasporophyll

2138 unscramble word found using the letters megasporophyll.

ae aero aerology aeros aerosol aery ag age ager agers ages agley agloo agloos agly ago agro agros ags ah ahem ahorse ahoy ahs al ale aleph alephs ales algor algors all allegory allegro allegros allergy alley alleys allomorph allomorphs alloy alloys alls ally alme almeh almehs almery almes alms aloe aloes aloo aloos alp alphyl alphyls alps als also am ame ames amole amoles amp ample ampler amply amps amyl amylose amyls ape apepsy aper apers apery apes apo apollo apollos apolog apologs apology apoop apophyge apophyges apos apospory app appel appellor appellors appels apple apples appley apply appose apposer appro appros apps apres apropos apse apso ar are areg areology ares argh argle argles argol argols argosy argyle argyles argyll argylls arle arles arm armhole armholes arms army arose ars arse arsey arsy ary aryl aryls as ash ashery ashler ashore ashy aslope asp asper aspro ay aye ayelp ayes aygre ayre ayres ays ea ear earl earls early ears eas easy egal egally egma egmas ego egos eh ehs el ell ellops ells elm elms elmy elogy elops els em emo emos emparl emparls employ employs ems emys eorl eorls epha ephas ephor ephoral ephors epos eprom