Definition of Metaphorically


  • in a metaphorical manner
    "she expressed herself metaphorically"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Metaphorically

  • Scrabble® score of the metaphorically (26)
  • Word Chums® score of the metaphorically (33)
  • Words With Friends® score of the metaphorically (29)

Unscramble metaphorically

2989 unscramble word found using the letters metaphorically.

aa aah aal aarti acai acaleph acari acarophily acater ace acer acerola aceta acetal acetyl ach achar ache achier achillea achiote achira achiral acholia achromat achy acme acmite acolyte acolyth acre acro acrolith acromia acromial acropetal acropetally acrylate act acta actor actorly acyl acylate ae aecia aecial aerial aerially aerily aero aerolith aery ah aha aheap ahem ahi ahoy ai aia aiery ail aim aimer air airhole airplay airt airth airy ait aitch al ala alachlor alacrity alae alamo alamort alap alar alarm alary alate alay alchemy alchera alco ale aleatoric aleatory alec alecithal aleph alert alertly alethic alit aliteracy aliya aliyah aliyot aliyoth all allay allayer alley alleycat allice allocarpy allocate allomeric allometric allometry allopath allopathic allopathy allopatric allopatry allot allotype allotypic alloy ally alma almah alme almeh almery almirah aloe aloetic aloha alopecia alp alpha alphameric alphametic alphyl alt altar alter althea altho alto am ama amah amate amatol amatory ame amelia ametropia ametropic ami amia amice amie amir amirate amitrole amity amla amole amoral amorality amorally amorce amoret amort amp ampholyte amphora amphorae amphoral amphoric amphoteric ample ampler amply amrit amrita amtrac amyl amylic amytal aorta aortae aortal aortic apace apache apart apathy apay ape aper apert