Definition of Methadon


  • synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming
    used in narcotic detoxification and maintenance of heroin addiction
    - methadone hydrochloride - dolophine hydrochloride - synthetic heroin
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Methadon

  • Scrabble® score of the methadon (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the methadon (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the methadon (15)

Unscramble methadon

278 unscramble word found using the letters methadon.

ad admen ado ae aeon ah ahed ahem ahent am ame amen amend ament an and ane anode ant ante anted anthem at ate atom atone atoned da dae daemon dah dam dame damn dan dant date dato de dean death deman demo demon den dent do doat doe doen doeth doh dom dome don dona donah donate done dot dote doth ea ean eat eath ed edh eh em emo en end eoan eon et eta eth etna ha had hade hae haed haem haen haet ham hame hamed han hand hant hanted hao hat hate hated he head heat hem hen hend hent het hetman hm ho hoa hoaed hod hodman hodmen hoe hoed hom homa home homed hon hond honda hone honed hot hote hoten ma mad made mae mahoe man mand mane maned maneh manet mano manto mat mate mated math me mead mean meant meat meath med meh men menad mend meno ment menta mento met meta meth methadon metho method mho mna mo moa moan moaned moat moated mod mode modena moe mon mona monad monde moneth monte month mot mote moted moten moth mothed na nae nah nam name named nat nathemo ne