Definition of Metronymic


  • a name derived from the name of your mother or a maternal ancestor
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Metronymic

  • Scrabble® score of the metronymic (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the metronymic (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the metronymic (22)

Unscramble metronymic

410 unscramble word found using the letters metronymic.

cent centimo cento centry cero cert certy cine cion cire cit cite citer cito citron city coin coiner cointer coir coit come comer comet comity comm comment commer commie commit commy comte con cone coney coni conte cony cor core corey corm corn cornet corni corny cortin cory cot cote coy coyer crem cretin crim crime crimen crine crit crome cron crone cronet crony cry cyme cyte cyton eco em emic emictory emir emit emmy emo en enmity enorm enormity entomic entry eon er eric erm ern erotic et etic etymic etymon eyot ice icer icon icy immy in income incomer inerm inert inro inter intercom into intro io ion ire iron irone irony it item me mein meint meiny mem memo memoir memory men meno ment mento mentor merc mercy meri merino merit meronym met metic metonym metonymic metric metro metronymic meynt mi mic mice mico micro micron mien mim mime mimeo mimer mince mincer mincy mine miner mino minor mint minter minty miny mir mire miro miry mite miter mitre mity mm mnemic mo moc moe moer moi moiety moire moit mom mome moment momi mon moner money monic monie monte montem montre monty mony mor more morn