Definition of Microchiroptera


  • most of the bats in the world
    all bats except fruit bats insectivorous bats
    - suborder microchiroptera
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Microchiroptera

  • Scrabble® score of the microchiroptera (26)
  • Word Chums® score of the microchiroptera (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the microchiroptera (29)

Unscramble microchiroptera

1499 unscramble word found using the letters microchiroptera.

accept acceptor accipiter accite accompt ace acer acetic ach ache achier achiote achoo achromic acme acmic acmite acre acro acroter acrotic act actor ae aero aerotropic ah ahem ahi ai aim aimer air airer airier airport airt airth airtime ait aitch am ame ametropic ami amice amici amie amir amorce amoret amort amp amphoric amphoteric amrit aortic ape aper apert aphetic aphotic apio apo apomict apomictic aporetic aport apothem apricot aprotic apt apter ar arc arch archei archer archi arco arctic are areic aret ariot arm armer armet armoire armor armorer armpit arrect arret arriero art arthromeric arti artic artier at ate atoc atom atomic atop atopic atrip atrophic cache cachepot cachet cacti cahier cahoot cam came cameo cami camo camote camp camper camphire camphor camphoric campi campier campo cap cape caper caph capi capo capot capote capri capric caprice caproic captor car care carer caret carhop caroch caroche carom carp carper carpet carpi carport carr carrect carrier carritch carroch carrom carrot carrotier cart carte carter cartop cat catch catcher catchier cate cater ceca cecropia cep ceramic cerci ceria ceric ceriph cero cerotic cert certiorari ch cha chace chaco chai chair cham champ champer champier chao chaotic chap chape chapiter