Definition of Milk-vetch


  • any of various plants of the genus Astragalus
    - milk vetch
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Milk_vetch

  • Scrabble® score of the milk_vetch (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the milk_vetch (32)
  • Words With Friends® score of the milk_vetch (26)

Unscramble milk_vetch

171 unscramble word found using the letters milk_vetch.

ceil cel celt ch che chem chi chiel chik chile chime chit chiv chive ciel cit cite civ cive civet cleik clem clime clit ech echt eh eik el elchi elhi elk elm elt eltchi em emic emit et etch eth ethic etic evict evil he heck heil heli helm hem hemic het hi hic hick hie hike hilt him hit hive hm ice ich ick ickle ilk it itch item kelim kelt ket ketch kevil khet khi ki kiev kilt kit kite kith kithe kvetch lech lect lei lek let letch lev li lice lich licht lick lie like lime lit lite lith lithe live me meck meh meith mel melic melick melik melt met meth metic mi mic mice mich miche micht mick mickle mike mikve mikveh mil milch mile milk milt mitch mite te tec tech teil tel telic the theic them thick thilk thivel ti tic tice tich tick tickle tie tik tike til tile time vehm vehmic veil vet vetch vice vie vile vim vite vlei