Definition of Multivalency


  • (chemistry) the state of having a valence greater than two
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Multivalency

  • Scrabble® score of the multivalency (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the multivalency (32)
  • Words With Friends® score of the multivalency (28)

Unscramble multivalency

932 unscramble word found using the letters multivalency.

ace acetin acetum acetyl acme acmite acne act actin active actively acuity aculei acumen acute acutely acyl ae aecium ai ail ailment aim ain aine ait aitu al ale alec alevin alien alienly aliment aline alit alive all alley allice allium ally alme almuce alt alu alum alumin alumine alumni alunite alvine am ame amen amenity ament ami amice amie amin amine amity amnic amu amulet amuletic amyl amylic an ance ancile ancle ane anelli anemic anetic ani anicut anil anile anime ant ante anti antic anticly anu anvil any anytime anyu at ate atelic atimy aue aulic aumil aune aunt auntie auntly aunty ave avel avine ay aye ayin ayu caille cain cal call callet calltime calm calmly calmy calumet calumny calve cam came camel cami camlet can cane cant cantily cantle canty cany cat cate catlin caul cauline caum cautel cave cavel cavie cavil cavity cavy cay ceil cel cell cella celli celt cent centai cental centu centum cetyl ciel cill cine cinema cit cital cite city civ cive civet claim clam clame clan clat claut clave clavi clavie clay clean cleanly cleat clem client cliental climate clime clinal cline clint clit clue cluey cly cnemial cue cuit