Definition of Muttonfish


  • similar to and often marketed as `red snapper'

    - mutton snapper - lutjanus analis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Muttonfish

  • Scrabble® score of the muttonfish (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the muttonfish (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the muttonfish (20)

Unscramble muttonfish

376 unscramble word found using the letters muttonfish.

fin fino finos fins fish fist fit fits fitt fitts foh fohn fohns fohs foin foins foist fon fons font fonts fou fount founts fous fouth fouths fum fums fun funs fushion fusion fust futon futons hi him hims hin hins hint hints his hisn hist hit hits hm ho hoi hois hoist hom homs hon hons hos host hot hots houf houfs hout houts hui huis hum humf humfs humint humints hums hun huns hunt hunts huso hut huts if ifs in info infos inmost ins into inust io ion ions ios is ish ism iso it its mho mhos mi mino minos mint mints minus mis miso mist mitt mitts mo moi moist moit moits mon monish monist mons month months mos mosh most mot moth moths moti motif motifs motis mots mott motts motu motus mou mount mounts mous moust mouth mouths mu mufti muftis muist mun muni munis muns munshi munt munts muon muons mus mush musit muso must musth mut muti mutis muton mutons muts mutt mutton muttonfish muttons mutts nim nims nis nish nit nits no noh nom noms nos nosh not nott notum nous nout nth nu nus nut nuts nutso of oft