Definition of Myasthenia


  • any muscular weakness
  • a chronic progressive disease characterized by chronic fatigue and muscular weakness (especially in the face and neck)
    caused by a deficiency of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions
    - myasthenia gravis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Myasthenia

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  • Words With Friends® score of the myasthenia (18)

Unscramble myasthenia

746 unscramble word found using the letters myasthenia.

aa aah aahs aas ae ah aha ahem ahent ahi ahimsa ahint ahis ahs ai aia aias aim aims ain aina ainas aine ains ais ait aits am ama amah amahs amain amas amate amates ame amen amenity amens ament amenta amentia amentias aments ames ami amia amias amie amies amin amine amines amins amis amity amnesia amnesty amnia an ana anas ane aneath anemia anemias anes ani anima animas animate animates anime animes anis anise ans ansa ansae ansate ant anta antae antas ante antes anthem anthemia anthemis anthems anti antis ants antsy any anytime as asea aseity ash ashame ashen ashet ashine ashman ashmen ashy asthenia astheny asthma at ate ates athame athames atheism atimy atma atman atmans atmas ats ay ayah ayahs aye ayes ayin ayins ays ea ean eans eas east easy eat eath eats eh ehs eina eish em emit emits ems emys en enmity ens entasia entia ents es est et eta etamin etamins etas eth eths etna etnas etyma eyas ha hae haem haematin haematins haemin haemins haems haen haes haet haets hain hains haint haints ham hamate hamates hame hames hams han hansa hanse hant hants has hast hasta haste hasten hasty