Definition of Myxobacterium


  • bacteria that form colonies in self-produced slime
    inhabit moist soils or decaying plant matter or animal waste
    - myxobacter - gliding bacteria - slime bacteria
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Myxobacterium

  • Scrabble® score of the myxobacterium (31)
  • Word Chums® score of the myxobacterium (41)
  • Words With Friends® score of the myxobacterium (35)

Unscramble myxobacterium

1105 unscramble word found using the letters myxobacterium.

ab aber abet abitur abo abore abort about abri abrim abut aby abye ace acer acerb acerbity acetum acme acmite acre acro act actor acture acuity acute acuter ae aecium aero aerobic aerobium aery ai aiery aim aimer air airt airy ait aitu am amber ambery ambit ambo ambry ame amebic ami amice amie amir amity ammo amoebic amorce amoret amort amour amrit amu aortic ar arb arbute arc arco are areic aret ariot arm armet army art arti artic arty arum ary at ate atimy atoc atom atomic atomy atoxic atrium aue aumbry aurei aureity auric auto autocrime auxetic auxocyte ax axe axiom axite ay aye ayre ayrie ayu ba bac bacterium bait baiter bam bammer bar bare baric barite barium barm barmie barmy barye baryte barytic bat bate baur bauxite baxter bay baye bayou bayt be beam beamy bear beat beaty beau beaut beauty beaux bema bemix bemixt beray berm bet beta betray betrim bey bi bice bier bima bio biome biometry biota biro bit bite biter bito bitou biuret bo boa boar boart boat boater boatie boet boi boite boma bommie bor bora boracite borate borax bore boric borm bort borty bot bota bote bout box boxcar