Definition of Naprapathy


  • a drugless method of treatment based on the belief that disease symptoms arise from problems with ligaments and connective tissues
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Word games points for the Naprapathy

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  • Word Chums® score of the naprapathy (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the naprapathy (21)

Unscramble naprapathy

154 unscramble word found using the letters naprapathy.

aa aah ah aha an ana anata ant anta antar antara antra any apart apathy apay app apparat appay apt ar arhat arna arpa art arty ary at atap atar ay ayah ha haar han hanap hant hap happy harn harp harpy hart hat hay hyp hypna na nah nap napa nappa nappy naprapathy nary nat nay nth ny pa paan pah pan panary pant pantry panty pap papa papaya papayan par para paraph paratha parp part partan party pat path paty pay ph phat pht prana prat praty pray pry pya pyat pyran rah ran rana rant rap rapt rat rata ratan ratany rath ratha ray raya rayah rhatany rhy rhyta rya ta taha tahr tan tana tanh tap tapa tappa tar tara tarn tarp tarpan tay tayra than thana thar thy trap trapan trappy tray try tryp trypan typp tyran ya yaar yah yantra yap yapp yar yarn yarpha yarta yatra yrapt