Definition of Neanderthalian


  • relating to or belonging to or resembling Neanderthal man
    "Neanderthal skull"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Neanderthalian

  • Scrabble® score of the neanderthalian (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the neanderthalian (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the neanderthalian (21)

Unscramble neanderthalian

1193 unscramble word found using the letters neanderthalian.

aa aah aahed aal aarti ad adenine adhan adhere adherent adit adnate adrate adrenal adrenalin adrenaline ae aedile aedine aerate aerated aerial aerie aeried aether ah aha ahead ahed ahent ahi ahind ahint ai aia aid aida aidant aide aider ail ailed ain aina aine ainee air airdate aired airhead airn airned airt airted airth airthed ait al ala alae alan aland alane alanin alanine alannah alant alar alate alated aldea alder aldern aldrin ale alee alert alerted alien alienate alienated aliened aliener aline alined aliner alit alt altar alter altered altern alterne althaea althea an ana anal anan anana ananda anata and andante ane anear aneared aneath anele aneled anent anhedral ani anil anile ann anna annal annat anneal annealed annealer annelid annelidan ant anta antae antar antara ante anted anteed antenna antennae antennal anthelia anther antheral antherid anti antiar antired antler antlered antlia antliae antra antral antre ar aralia araneid araneidan ard ardent are area aread areae areal ared arede arena arene arenite aret arete arhat aria arid ariel aril ariled arle arled arna art artal artel arti at atar ate atelier atherine atria atrial da daal dae dah dahl dahlia daine daint dal dale dalet daleth dali