Definition of Nephrectomy


  • surgical removal of a kidney
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nephrectomy

  • Scrabble® score of the nephrectomy (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the nephrectomy (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nephrectomy (25)

Unscramble nephrectomy

713 unscramble word found using the letters nephrectomy.

cee cement cenote cent center cento centre centry cep cepe cere ceremony cermet cerne cero cerotype cert certy cete ch che cheep cheer cheero cheery chem chemo chenet cher chere cherem chert cherty chomp chomper chon chop chore choree choremen chorten chrome chromene chromy chyme chypre coempt cohen cohere coherent come comer comet cometh comether comp compeer comper compere compete compt compter comte con cone coney conte contemper cony cop cope copen coper copter copy cor core corey corm corn cornet corny cory coryphe coryphee coryphene cot cote coth cotype coy coyer cree creep creepy crem creme crepe crepey crepon crept crepy crome cron crone cronet crony crop cry crypt crypto crypton ctene cyme cymene cypher cyte cyton ech eche echo echoer echoey echt eco ecotype ectopy ectype ee eech een eery eh em eme emery emo emote emoter empery empt empty en encore encrypt ene enemy enorm enter entropy entry eon eothen ephor epoch eponym eprom er ere erect erm ern erne et etch etcher eten eth ethe ether ethne ethyne etymon eye eyen eyer eyne eyot eyre he hector hem heme hemocyte hemp hempen hempy hen hence henry hent hep hept her here herem hereon hereto herm hern