Definition of Newfoundland


  • an island in the north Atlantic
  • a breed of very large heavy dogs with a thick coarse usually black coat
    highly intelligent dogs and vigorous swimmers
    developed in Newfoundland
    - newfoundland dog
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Newfoundland

  • Scrabble® score of the newfoundland (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the newfoundland (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the newfoundland (25)

Unscramble newfoundland

457 unscramble word found using the letters newfoundland.

ad add addle adnoun ado adown ae aeon afoul al ale alef alew alf alod aloe aloed alone aloud alow alowe alu an and ane anew ann anno annul anode anole anon anow anu aue auf auld aune aw awdl awe awed awful awl awn awned awol da dad dado dae dal dale daled dan dandle daud daw dawd dawdle dawed dawen dawn dawned de dead deaf deal dean deaw dedal def defo defoul defund del delf delo den dew dewan do dod doe doen dof dol dole doled don dona done donna donne donned douane doula doun dow dowd dowed dowel dowf dowl dowle dowlne down downa downed downland duad dual duan dud dude due dued duel duenna dule dun dune duneland dunned dunno duo duodena duodenal dwale ea ean eau ed eddo ef el elan eland eld elf en end endow enfold enodal enol enow enuf enwound eoan eon fa fad faddle fade faded fado fae fan fand fanded fane fanned fannel fano fanon fauld faun faw fawn fawned fe feal fed felon fen fend fenland feod feodal feu feud feudal few flan flane flaned flannen flaune flaw flawed flawn flea fled flew floe flow flowed flown flu